GLE Handbook 2022 Recommended Expert

Founder, Managing partner
Dipl.-Ing. (TH), EUR ING
European Patent Attorney
Swedish Authorised IP Attorney
European Trademark and Design Attorney
European Patent Litigator
Representative before the Unified Patent Court (UPC)

Erik has vast expertise of patenting, including drafting and prosecuting patent applications, as well as oppositions and appeals. Erik has drafted a large number of patent applications for a wide range of clients including single inventors, start up companies, SMEs, large global corporations, universities and other research institutes. Erik handles international portfolios for a number of clients. Erik founded KIPA in 2006.

Furthermore, Erik has gained experience with IP court proceedings in various countries from working as a scientific counsel in cooperation with legal counsels. Erik has coordinated several pan-European patent litigations, including the famous “Okklusionsvorrichtung” case.

Erik has been the lead negotiator for a SME client against a multinational US firm reaching a settlement in 2016 worth more than 100Mio€.

Prior to founding a private practice (KIPA), he worked in private practice, where he was head of an office. Erik has also working experience from the European Patent Office in Munich, where he was employed as an Examiner.

He previously worked in industry, at Siemens both in Sweden and Germany. During this period he has been an active inventor, which has resulted in a considerable number of patents.

Erik is one of the three first in Sweden to complete C.E.I.P.I. Univ. Dipl. European Patent Litigation.

He frequently travels to China where he advises Chinese clients and associates on European IP issues.

Erik maintains membership in the following organizations:

  • epi – Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office
  • IP samfundet – The Association of Swedish Authorized IP Attorneys
  • AIPPI – Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle (International association for the protection of Intellectual Property)
  • LES – Licensing Executives Society
  • IEEE – The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – the world’s leading professional association for the advancement of technology Erik has founded the Swedish section of IEEE-EMBS (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society) in 2006,
erik border fix

You may contact Erik directly by e-mail: